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The Smiths Beach Story
Smiths Beach’s New Sewage Plant
All commercial and residential sewage will be disposed onsite despite the current approval requiring a connection to mains sewer in Dunsborough, an numerous reports highlighting the serious environmental risks.
Onsite sewage disposal ’is unsustainable in the longterm’ & that there is ‘Not sufficient land area for treated wastewater reuse/disposal'. Water Corporation WA .
Onsite sewage disposal will permanently change the soil profile, impact groundwater & natural soaks, impact reliant vegetation and fauna, have adverse impacts on marine communities, water quality and human health. Past Water Corp & Consultant studies have shown the area is unsuitable for onsite sewage disposal because of soil types, shallow soils, stormwater flows and proximity to the Ngari Capes Marine Park.
The Developer Saves Millions $$$ Disposing Sewage Onsite